Seat Belt & Child Restraints

Why Do I Need Child Restraint Anchor Points?

In Queensland, there are laws that state how a child restraint or booster seat should be installed and used. Not having the seat installed correctly can land you a nasty fine as well as up to three demerit points for each incorrectly restrained child. You also run the risk of your child getting seriously injured if you are in an accident.

Sunshine Steering are Australian Design Rules (ADR) approved, which means that we are authorised to both certify and install seat belts and child restraint anchor points to Australian and Queensland standards.

To enquire about our seat belt and child restraint anchor point inspection and installation services, call Sunshine Steering today on (07) 5478 8020.

Seat Belt and Child Restraint Certification

Sunshine Steering are authorised to inspect the installation of seat belts and anchor points for child restraints and booster seats and then issue ADR approvals to state that they meet Australian standards.

When you bring your vehicle in for the inspection, we will check that all of the safety aspects meet ADR standards and then if it passes all of the requirements we send the paperwork off to the Department of Transport to inform them that your car meets Australian standards.

Seat Belt and Child Restraint Installation

A lot of utes and vehicles that have small backseats do not come with anchor points for child restraints because they have no space between the seats and the actual cab. Without the anchor point, you cannot connect up your baby seat or capsule.

Sunshine Steering can install an anchor point in your ute or vehicle that meets ADR standards – this will not only help you dodge a hefty fine and 3 demerit points, but more importantly, it will ensure that your children are safely restrained in case of an accident.